Sunday, August 22, 2010

How do you delete a "tagged" picture of you on facebook?

When you are looking at the picture - next to your name it will say "remove tag" just click on that....

Why Are Atheist Questions Constantly Tagged?

I lost ten points! Mad..Mad..Mad..

Why Are Atheist Questions Constantly Tagged?
I'm used to it. people who do the most preaching around here are usually the culprits. they just make me sick. keep asking don't let them scare you away, because they certainly will try.
Reply:If you want to ask a question you must do it in a way that is non-offensive. If you attack peoples beliefs they will tag your questions. Don't attack people and they won't attack you. Tagging is the only defense on this forum other than telling you off and most Christians are above that and won't stoop to that level to attack you back.
Reply:maybe god hates you because he thinks you are not totally straight
Reply:I think it happens to everyone
Reply:From my experience they would be ignorant or hateful. Usually well deserved and I would know :-)
Reply:Happens to everyone. The system is totally automated. It just depends whether enough assholes are online to flag you.
Reply:imagine then atheist question with a gay touch...i have all my questions deleted based on stupid reasons but who cares???
Reply:I don't know. Why are christian questions subliminal preachings?
Reply:The righteous think that because their beliefs are "deeply held" that they deserve respect. They don't see in fault in logic there.

By the way, I deeply and personally believe in leprechauns. If this isn't chosen best answer, I'll report you.:-)
Reply:Could be because they really are not questions, rather just a statement of hate.
Reply:Clicking on "report abuse" is easier than thinking.
Reply:Not sure I have "tagged" any atheist questions. But, had I it would be for vulgar or other such types of remarks. If it is a true question and not a snide comment or smug remark guised as a question I rather like those. (oh and I flagged this! JK)
Reply:It seems to become more and more clear over time that Christianity is becoming a haven for bullies. It's almost even beyond just imposing a world view on everyone else. It's making up facts and acting like a victim just so one can snipe at those one doesn't like. The christian pundits of which I speak think it's alright to shout down those who disagree with them. Unfortunately for them, this tactic tends to backfire because no one really wants to be around bullies.

Of course, to be fair, there are a lot of idiotic trolling questions posted by people on both sides here.
Reply:I got points back when I protested on the Y!A forum.
Reply:Because small-minded people who don't know how to have an intelligent discussion or debate get upset at their inability to prove any of their superstitious nonsense, so instead they "report" the question to get it removed.

Same kind of tactics they use when they try to bring their superstitious biblical morality into politics :(

(oh, and I have little doubt *this* answer will be reported as abuse, even though I didn't say WHO those small-minded people are...%26lt;grin%26gt;)
Reply:because fundamentalists of both Christianity and Islam don't want them around asking questions they can't answer.
Reply:So did I! It pissed me off...
Reply:I think that WellTraveledProg hit it right on the head.
Reply:Good question. Since (many) Christians are trying to create the impression that their religion is somehow discriminated against, and that Christians must endure daily persecution for their beliefs, you would think that letting anti-Christian questions stay on the board would support that position.

Not that atheist questions are necessarily anti-Christian. At least from a thinking person's point of view. But you see what I mean.
Reply:I don't know. It seems unfair to me unless you're being outright unpleasant. You have a right to your views.
Reply:=( I lost 11 points ... the Yahoo Gods are mad at us... we shall sacrifice some believers so that they maybe happy...All hail Yahoo Gods...

Can I get my children tagged, like you can a car?

Ya, right after we brand you like a cow!

Can I get my children tagged, like you can a car?
You can try but i'm guessing they'll probably need to be knocked out for the procedure, when they wake up just tell them they dosed off.
Reply:why not just get them scrapped
Reply:Yes you can get them microchipped- but nobody will ever look for it.
Reply:what u mean tag as in graffiti, or somethin else man
Reply:oh yes
Reply:Try a bar code tattoo. No, seriously, you can use a chip or an RF-ID insert. They (CITES) do this for endangered fish and animals. Some use them for forest protection - endangered wood species are tagged. But I must ask you to seriously consider why you want your children to be tagged. Is there a valid reason or a safety factor involved?

Reply:I suppose you could get them tagged but wouldn't it be easier and kinder to simply look after them, most of us do it without even a second thought. Why do they need tagging?. I hope this helps you.
Reply:why would u want to??

How can I see the tagged photos of me or others on myspace?

I think they took out the tagged photos feature

dental care

I have a page on and the emails that i recieve are not coming to my yahoo address,why is that?

There's a lot more to sending an E-mail than the information you've provided. Are you using a form mailer? Did you set the form mailer up or did the web hosting company?

Form mail scripts are compromised quite regularly by those pesky spammers. Check with your web hosting provider to get the logs from it and make sure they aren't working on it.

Is there a website like that is for an older audience but not XXX?

Is there a website like that is for an older audience but not XXX?
yes xl

(*boys only*) go to do i look goog or do i look sexy?

stop fishing for compliments.

ur only 13 go and play with ur bratz dolls or something I'm not trying to be mean but your young and they're thousands of predators and perverts looking to manipulate young girls like you who fish for compliments