Friday, July 16, 2010

Do I have get my car registered/tagged in SC if I'm a FL resident?

I moved to SC recently for a job and I live in an Apartment here but I own property in FL and I'm currently a FL resident. Do I have to get a SC Drivers License and Tags for my car? Can I register my car in FL and drive it in SC for the next 12 months?

Do I have get my car registered/tagged in SC if I'm a FL resident?
if you have been in state more than 30 days it is the law that you regester your car to that state
Reply:Your best bet is to go to the local police station and ask the cops......or are you near a DMV office........for sure they will tell you......I would go to the police station first....
Reply:Sorry, but if you are living in SC and working in SC you are a resident of SC, not FL whether or not you own property there.

Welcome to South Carolina

If you come into South Carolina from another state and establish a permanent residence, you must apply for a South Carolina driver license. If you own any vehicles they must also be registered in our state.

If you have a valid driver’s license issued by the state from which you moved, you can use it for 90 days, after which time you must surrender it and obtain a South Carolina driver license. You have 45 days to transfer your out of state vehicle registration to South Carolina.
Reply:my sister-in-law and her husband live in Florida in the winter and in New jersey during the summer months. They own houses in both places. their cars are registered/tagged in florida. cheaper insurance rates.
Reply:Most states require that you register your car and get a state driver's license within 3 months of moving to that state. The exception being attending a University. With an apartment, you are legally a resident of SC and must comply with the laws.
Reply:If you live and work in SC, you are now an SC resident and must register your vehicle in SC and obtain an SC drivers license.
Reply:CHECK with SC I think their about a third of the cost of plates as Florida. If it's just going to be a couple years keep the Florida plates. If stopped tell the cop you commute between home and where your at.
Reply:Check with the DMV. OR check any SC state gov. site that can give you a clear legal definition of residency. The answer to your question hinges on whether SC will consider you a transient, or a resident.

If you are deemed to be a "resident" of SC, then yes - you will have to register your car there. (And don't forget your voter registration and your driving license as well).
Reply:Check with the SC motor vehicle. Typically if you are going to be in a state for a certain length of time you are expected to change your address to there.
Reply:It's according to holw long you plan to be there, most states claim in 30 days you should do this but (quiet kept) 90 days because you could just be visiting.It's up to you!! You can reg. it in Fl. and Drive to SC when/or if the cops pull you over for some reason, your visiting like I said. 90 days but some have done it for two years I've seen it..Merry Xmas
Reply:You have 90 days to get a SC license but you should verify with the dmv about registration requirements, they usually dont require it until your current registration expires. If you are residing in SC longer than 90 days you should also rebase your auto insurance policy too

dental health

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