Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Okay,so ive been tagged by yahoo as a repeat offender-------------!?

when it come to collecting violations of rules and regulations, so now theyve deleted jokes "CLEAN JOKES" that i just put on the list,come on now,im not a bad influence to anyone,i just want the privledge of tellig CLEAN JOKES,no more stupid jokes! please,for petes sake yahoo re-enstate me!

Okay,so ive been tagged by yahoo as a repeat offender-------------!?
maybe you miss the point of this whole yahoo answers thing. You are suppose to ask and answer questions. If you wanna tell jokes go find a website for telling jokes.
Reply:Take them to judge judy...
Reply:i dont get it
Reply:I'm sorry, that really suck, I like you jokes.
Reply:Naughty boy be careful next time.
Reply:why are you telling us this?

is there a question?

Maybe you should go straight and talk to Yahoo!

Reply:dude i feel for you i get banned from sites all the time...

I starred you so please help a brother out and pick me as best answer.

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